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Using Jealousy To Fuel Your Success

Women at work conference

It’s natural to compare ourselves to others, right?


These days we spend so much time looking around at what everyone else is doing, it’s easy to get lost and feel like we don’t measure up.


Comparison can be a slippery slope professionally, especially when it comes to numbers. When we compare our income, customer base, department size or followers, there will always be someone (usually many people) who will beat us at that game. Even if we don’t know the numbers, we can still feel “less than” when someone else looks bigger and better.


So how do we get out of the negative comparison trap and use others to serve us rather than bring us down?


It all starts with awareness.


Notice your feelings


When you’re watching, following or interacting with someone in your professional world, pay attention to how you feel.


Does this person inspire you?


Do they frustrate or annoy you?


Do you feel drawn to them and want to connect further?


Do you feel uncomfortable and notice yourself shrinking?


Your feelings are powerful indicators of what’s going on beneath the surface. So notice them - don’t judge them - and act accordingly.


Disconnect if needed


If comparing yourself to someone makes you feel small, don’t include them in your experience.


While there are times when we have strong reactions to people that help us stretch, those reactions only serve when they spark positive change.


Our fears and doubts are like hungry children who want to be fed - and feeling bad does nothing to support our soul and our success.


So disconnect, unfollow or create space with those who stir up negative feelings - and do your best to surround yourself with support, especially when your confidence is low.


Let yourself shine


Comparison that fuels growth is important and essential.


There are so many people who thrill me when I watch, listen or learn from them - their fire ignites mine and they help me feel expansive and want to do and be more.


I’ve followed and worked with mentors who have taught, inspired and given me courage to be who I really am. I’ve also disconnected from influence purposefully so I can hear my own intuition and stay focused on the process and projects that feel right for me.


Once you’ve gotten a taste of what (and who) is out there, give yourself room to tap into your own genius and find ways to let that shine through in your work.


The world wants the gifts that only you can give - and no one can ever be a better version of you.

Ready to shine brighter in your biz or career?

I love talking to women about coaching and learning about your biggest desires - and biggest fears - when it comes to pivoting, upleveling and maintaining balance. My Passion Success & Balance Coaching Method blends strategic planning, mindset tools and spiritual principles so we’re sure that you and your work are fully supported, inside and out.


My complimentary Coaching Consultation is a chance for us to:

  • Get clear on your vision for your ultimate business, career and life

  • Talk about what’s getting in the way of your success and happiness

  • Discuss my philosophy, my programs and how coaching can help

  • Decide if working together is the best next step for you now


Schedule your chat, I’d love to connect with you.

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