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Keep Fear From Sabotaging Your Success

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If you find yourself feeling scared or holding back on building your business or career, I promise you are not alone.


Fear is a natural part of the professional growth process and tends to show up when we’re reaching our next level of success.


The bad news is fear wants to keep you stuck - and it’s very good at its job.


The good news is fear can help you reach your goals - as long as you don’t let it run the show.


Here’s a quick primer on how to work WITH your fear and accomplish more professionally.


Remember that fear is your friend


While fear can be intense, it’s really a fiercely loving protective energy that wants to keep you from harm.


When you get scared as you climb the ladder of success, it’s not because you’re doing something wrong, it’s because you’re doing something that matters. Otherwise, fear would have no reason to be there.


I often tell clients that while I don't want them to be afraid (or doubtful, resistant and more), fear is usually a good sign - if they have no fear at all, we're probably shooting too low when it comes to their goals and their vision.


Understanding that fear is protective can help you hold it in a very different light. Instead of fighting it, you can see how much it cares, join with it and embrace it.


Let fear speak to you


Once people start to recognize their fear, their instinct is to shut it down.


Whether it’s that nasty voice inside telling you that your dream is crazy - or the pit in your stomach when you put yourself out there in a big way - fear expresses itself powerfully and is rarely nice about it.


But fear also has a lot to say - and a lot it can teach you - about what you need to move forward. When you check in and question what you’re most afraid of, your fear will let you know what’s really holding you back.


Asking and paying attention to that inner voice and the concerns it has gives you the chance to do something about them. So instead of ignoring your fear, take some time and listen.


Create a strategy to help


When you know what you’re actually afraid of, you can take action in a whole new way. Fear doesn’t get to decide whether you make your next move, but it can help you make that move easier and more comfortable.


If, for example, you’re not using your voice in the workplace because you’re afraid your ideas aren’t worthwhile, share them with those you trust first to get feedback, support and practice. If you hold back from outreach because you lack confidence in what you offer, ask your current clients what they love about your work to create talking points (and testimonials) to engage future prospects.


Whatever you’re afraid of, there’s a way to soothe your fear (inside) and design a strategy (outside) to help you create the success you desire. Take the chance, I’m with you.

Ready to shine brighter in your biz or career?


I love talking to women about coaching and learning about your biggest desires - and biggest fears - when it comes to pivoting, raising your bar and keeping your balance. My method blends strategic planning, mindset tools and spiritual principles so we’re sure that both you and your work are fully supported, inside and out. Schedule your Free Consultation now, I’d love to connect and support you.

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